of a phone in which the user is not interested are circuit board design, hardware used and so on.
So in designing the Mobile Phone Model, both relevant and irrelevant features are required. But we need to show only relevant features. So we design a Mobile Phone in such a way that only relevant features are shown and irrelevant features are hidden. And remember one thing, that deciding relevant and irrelevant features is totally a user choice.
Polymorphism is defined as the implementation of the same method with different attributes in a different context.
For example, we have a class named shape with a method name buildshape(). We need to use it in the class Circle, class triangle and the class quadrilateral. So for every class we use the buildshape() method but with different attributes.
In this article, I want to show you the concept of Object-Oriented Programming in C#. Now what are objects and why we’d better write Object-Oriented applications? Good Question! We will cover the following:
In order to understand the meaning of object in our context, you should first understand the concept of classes. Everything in C# .NET is a class. From integer data type to complex encryption and ADO.NET classes. So, for example, when you write the following code, you are actually using FileStream
class to declare a variable name fileStream
So far we have seen what the difference between a class and an object is. The following is Microsoft’s definition of these terms:
A class definition is like a blueprint that specifies what the type can do. An object is basically a block of memory that has been allocated and configured according to the blueprint. A program may create many objects of the same class. Objects are also called instances.
Every instance of a particular class can access some properties and methods of that class. For example, considering fileStream
as an object of type FileStream
class, we could write:
I think you have got the idea of classes and objects. However, this was the beginning. I don’t want to go through the classes provided by Microsoft and guide you how to use them but rather I want to show you how you can declare classes of your own. The classes that you create can have methods and properties similarly to those already in the .NET and you can set access policies to those methods and properties which we call members from now on.
To create a class, you need to add a class file to your project. Right-click on your project inside the solution explorer and click Add and then choose New Item…. On the left side of the new window, navigate to Code template and then click Class from the right-sided pane. Choose a name for your class and click Add. A new file is added to your project. Inside it, you see the declaration of your class as follows. I have named my class Car
and it is in the OOPLearning
To add a field (and a field is simply an object within your class, it could by an integer or any other object) just write the data type of the field and the name:
Methods are the behaviors of your class; the things that an object of that class can do. For example, a class named Dog
may have a method named Bark
, as dogs bark. And a class named Car
can have a method namedAccelerate
, as cars can accelerate.
I have eliminated the logic for this method because it’s not of any interest to us right now.
Instantiating (creating an instance of a class) is simply the process of declaring an object of a class. You can instantiate a class as follows (I have created a console application and declared an object of type Car
in theMain
method of the Program.cs file of my project):
As I said, when you create an instance of a class, you can access the members (methods and fields) of that class via your instance. So, this means that I could write the following:
But as you see, the above code has generated an error. Why is that? Because we don’t have access to these members and this is due to their access modifiers which are private
. The private
keyword is not explicitly written before the Accelerate
and numberOfDoors
. But since it’s the default access modifier, anything (either method, fields, etc.) that you declare in your class is considered private
unless you write one of the following before them:
We don’t go through these keywords right now. Let’s just change the definition of our class as follows:
Remember I said fields act as stores for your data. The numberOfDoors
is the storage in which we store the number of doors our myCar
object has. What if we wanted to control the value passed to this field. For example, the following code would be perfectly valid:
But we know that there is no car in the whole world which has 250 doors. We want to make sure the value passed to numberOfDoors
is intellectually acceptable. So, we use properties. A property is simply a method that which can help us add logic to when the value of a field is retrieved or set. Look at the following line of code:
What happened is simply logical. Since the value passed to NumberOfDoors
doesn’t conform to our rules (between 2
and 8
) the default value of type integer which is zero (which is stored in the field numberOfDoors
) is returned. To better understand the concept, let’s change our class to look like this:
Now run the project again. You see
in the console. And that’s because of the
in the
part of
. If the value passed to the property conforms to our rule, then everything is quite good, otherwise it is set to value
. There is a lot to properties, but we close our discussion on them here.
Object-oriented programming
In this part of the C# tutorial, we will talk about object oriented programming in C#.
There are three widely used programming paradigms: procedural programming, functional programming and object-oriented programming. C# supports both procedural and object-oriented programming.
Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that uses objects and their interactions to design applications and computer programs.
There are some basic programming concepts in OOP:
- Abstraction
- Polymorphism
- Encapsulation
- Inheritance
The abstraction is simplifying complex reality by modeling classes appropriate to the problem. The polymorphism is the process of using an operator or function in different ways for different data input. The encapsulation hides the implementation details of a class from other objects. Theinheritance is a way to form new classes using classes that have already been defined.
Objects are basic building blocks of a C# OOP program. An object is a combination of data and methods. The data and the methods are called members of an object. In an OOP program, we create objects. These objects communicate together through methods. Each object can receive messages, send messages and process data.
There are two steps in creating an object. First, we define a class. A class is a template for an object. It is a blueprint which describes the state and behavior that the objects of the class all share. A class can be used to create many objects. Objects created at runtime from a class are called instances of that particular class.
using System;
public class Being {}
public class Objects
static void Main()
Being b = new Being();
In our first example, we create a simple object.
public class Being {}
This is a simple class definition. The body of the template is empty. It does not have any data or methods.
Being b = new Being();
We create a new instance of the Being
class. For this we have the new
keyword. The b
variable is the handle to the created object.
We print the object to the console to get some basic description of the object. What does it mean, to print an object? When we print an object, we in fact call its ToString()
method. But we have not defined any method yet. It is because every object created inherits from the base object
. It has some elementary functionality which is shared among all objects created. One of this is theToString()
$ ./simpleobject.exe
We get the object class name.
Object attributes
Object attributes is the data bundled in an instance of a class. The object attributes are calledinstance variables or member fields. An instance variable is a variable defined in a class, for which each object in the class has a separate copy.
using System;
public class Person
public string name;
public class ObjectAttributes
static void Main()
Person p1 = new Person();
p1.name = "Jane";
Person p2 = new Person();
p2.name = "Beky";
In the above C# code, we have a Person
class with one member field.
public class Person
public string name;
We declare a name member field. The public
keyword specifies that the member field will be accessible outside the class block.
Person p1 = new Person();
p1.name = "Jane";
We create an instance of the Person
class and set the name variable to "Jane". We use the dot operator to access the attributes of objects.
Person p2 = new Person();
p2.name = "Beky";
We create another instance of the Person
class. Here we set the variable to "Beky".
We print the contents of the variables to the console.
$ ./person.exe
We see the output of the program. Each instance of the Person
class has a separate copy of the name member field.
Methods are functions defined inside the body of a class. They are used to perform operations with the attributes of our objects. Methods bring modularity to our programs.
Methods are essential in the encapsulation concept of the OOP paradigm. For example, we might have a Connect()
method in our AccessDatabase
class. We need not to be informed how exactly the method Connect()
connects to the database. We only have to know that it is used to connect to a database. This is essential in dividing responsibilities in programming, especially in large applications.
Objects group state and behavior, methods represent the behavioral part of the objects.
using System;
public class Circle
private int radius;
public void SetRadius(int radius)
this.radius = radius;
public double Area()
return this.radius * this.radius * Math.PI;
public class Methods
static void Main()
Circle c = new Circle();
In the code example, we have a Circle class. We define two methods.
private int radius;
We have one member field. It is the radius of the circle. The private
keyword is an access specifier. It tells that the variable is restricted to the outside world. If we want to modify this variable from the outside, we must use the publicly available SetRadius()
method. This way we protect our data.
public void SetRadius(int radius)
this.radius = radius;
This is the SetRadius()
method. The this
variable is a special variable which we use to access the member fields from methods. The this.radius
is an instance variable, while the radius is a local variable, valid only inside the SetRadius()
Circle c = new Circle();
We create an instance of the Circle
class and set its radius by calling the SetRadius()
method on the object of the circle. We use the dot operator to call the method.
public double Area()
return this.radius * this.radius * Math.PI;
The Area()
method returns the area of a circle. The Math.PI
is a built-in constant.
$ ./circle.exe
Running the example gives this outcome.
Access modifiers
Access modifiers set the visibility of methods and member fields. C# has four access modifiers:public
, protected
, private
and internal
. The public
members can be accessed from anywhere. Theprotected
members can be accessed only within the class itself and by inherited and parent classes. The private
members are limited to the containing type, e.g. only within its class or interface. The internal
members may be accessed from within the same assembly (exe or DLL).
Access modifiers protect data against accidental modifications. They make the programs more robust.
using System;
public class Person
public string name;
private int age;
public int GetAge()
return this.age;
public void SetAge(int age)
this.age = age;
public class AccessModifiers
static void Main()
Person p = new Person();
p.name = "Jane";
Console.WriteLine("{0} is {1} years old",
p.name, p.GetAge());
In the above program, we have two member fields. One is declared public, the other private.
public int GetAge()
return this.age;
If a member field is private
, the only way to access it is via methods. If we want to modify an attribute outside the class, the method must be declared public
. This is an important aspect of data protection.
public void SetAge(int age)
this.age = age;
The SetAge()
method enables us to change the private
age variable from outside of the class definition.
Person p = new Person();
p.name = "Jane";
We create a new instance of the Person
class. Because the name attribute is public
, we can access it directly. However, this is not recommended.
The SetAge()
method modifies the age member field. It cannot be accessed or modified directly because it is declared private
Console.WriteLine("{0} is {1} years old",
p.name, p.GetAge());
Finally, we access both members to build a string.
$ ./modifiers.exe
Jane is 17 years old
Running the example gives this output.
Member fields with private
access modifiers are not inherited by derived classes.
using System;
public class Base
public string name = "Base";
protected int id = 5323;
private bool isDefined = true;
public class Derived : Base
public void info()
Console.WriteLine("This is Derived class");
Console.WriteLine("Members inherited");
// Console.WriteLine(this.isDefined);
public class CSharpApp
static void Main()
Derived drv = new Derived();
In the preceding program, we have a Derived
class which inherits from the Base
class. The Base
class has three member fields. All with different access modifiers. The isDefined member is not inherited. The private
modifier prevents this.
public class Derived : Base
The class Derived
inherits from the Base
class. To inherit from another class, we use the colon (:) operator.
// Console.WriteLine(this.isDefined);
The public
and the protected
members are inherited by the Derived class. They can be accessed. The private
member is not inherited. The line accessing the member field is commented. If we uncommented the line, the code would not compile.
$ ./protected.exe
This is Derived class
Members inherited
Running the program, we receive this output.
The constructor
A constructor is a special kind of a method. It is automatically called when the object is created. Constructors do not return values. The purpose of the constructor is to initiate the state of an object. Constructors have the same name as the class. The constructors are methods, so they can be overloaded too.
Constructors cannot be inherited. They are called in the order of inheritance. If we do not write any constructor for a class, C# provides an implicit default constructor. If we provide any kind of a constructor, then a default is not supplied.
using System;
public class Being
public Being()
Console.WriteLine("Being is created");
public Being(string being)
Console.WriteLine("Being {0} is created", being);
public class Constructor
static void Main()
new Being();
new Being("Tom");
We have a Being class. This class has two constructors. The first one does not take parameters; the second one takes one parameter.
public Being(string being)
Console.WriteLine("Being {0} is created", being);
This constructor takes one string parameter.
new Being();
An instance of the Being
class is created. This time the constructor without a parameter is called upon object creation.
$ ./constructor.exe
Being is created
Being Tom is created
This is the output of the program.
In the next example, we initiate data members of the class. Initiation of variables is a typical job for constructors.
using System;
public class MyFriend
private DateTime born;
private string name;
public MyFriend(string name, DateTime born)
this.name = name;
this.born = born;
public void Info()
Console.WriteLine("{0} was born on {1}",
this.name, this.born.ToShortDateString());
public class Constructor2
static void Main()
string name = "Lenka";
DateTime born = new DateTime(1990, 3, 5);
MyFriend fr = new MyFriend(name, born);
We have a MyFriend
class with data members and methods.
private DateTime born;
private string name;
We have two private variables in the class definition.
public MyFriend(string name, DateTime born)
this.name = name;
this.born = born;
In the constructor, we initiate the two data members. The this
variable is a handler used to reference the object variables.
MyFriend fr = new MyFriend(name, born);
We create a MyFriend
object with two arguments. Then we call the Info()
method of the object.
$ ./constructor2.exe
Lenka was born on 3/5/1990
We execute the constructor2.exe
Constructor chaining
Constructor chaining is the ability of a class to call another constructor from a constructor. To call another constructor from the same class, we use the this
using System;
public class Circle
public Circle(int radius)
Console.WriteLine("Circle, r={0} is created", radius);
public Circle() : this(1)
public class ConstructorChaining
static void Main()
new Circle(5);
new Circle();
We have a Circle
class. The class has two constructors. One that takes one parameter and one that does not take any parameters.
public Circle(int radius)
Console.WriteLine("Circle, r={0} is created", radius);
This constructor takes one parameter — the radius
public Circle() : this(1)
This is the constructor without a parameter. It simply calls the other constructor and gives it a default radius of 1.
$ ./constructorchaining.exe
Circle, r=5 is created
Circle, r=1 is created
This is the output of the constructorchaining.exe
Class constants
C# enables to create class constants. These constants do not belong to a concrete object. They belong to the class. By convention, constants are written in uppercase letters.
using System;
public class Math
public const double PI = 3.14159265359;
public class ClassConstants
static void Main()
We have a Math
class with a PI
public const double PI = 3.14159265359;
The const
keyword is used to define a constant. The public
keyword makes it accessible outside the body of the class.
$ ./classconstant.exe
Running the example we see this output.
The ToString() method
Each object has a ToString()
method. It returns a human-readable representation of an object. The default implementation returns the fully qualified name of the type of the Object
. Note that when we call the Console.WriteLine()
method with an object as a parameter, the ToString()
is being called.
using System;
public class Being
public override string ToString()
return "This is Being class";
public class ToStringMethod
static void Main()
Being b = new Being();
object o = new Object();
We have a Being
class in which we override the default implementation of the ToString()
public override string ToString()
return "This is Being class";
Each class created inherits from the base object
. The ToString()
method belongs to this object class. We use the override
keyword to inform that we are overriding a method.
Being b = new Being();
object o = new Object();
We create one custom defined object and one built-in object.
We call the ToString()
method on these two objects.
As we have specified earlier, placing an object as a parameter to the Console.WriteLine()
will call its ToString()
method. This time, we have called the method implicitly.
$ ./override.exe
This is Being Class
This is Being Class
This is what we get when we run the example.
The inheritance is a way to form new classes using classes that have already been defined. The newly formed classes are called derived classes, the classes that we derive from are called baseclasses. Important benefits of inheritance are code reuse and reduction of complexity of a program. The derived classes (descendants) override or extend the functionality of the base classes (ancestors).
using System;
public class Being
public Being()
Console.WriteLine("Being is created");
public class Human : Being
public Human()
Console.WriteLine("Human is created");
public class Inheritance
static void Main()
new Human();
In this program, we have two classes. A base Being
class and a derived Human
class. The derived class inherits from the base class.
public class Human : Being
In C#, we use the colon (:) operator to create inheritance relations.
new Human();
We instantiate the derived Human
$ ./inheritance.exe
Being is created
Human is created
We can see that both constructors were called. First, the constructor of the base class is called, then the constructor of the derived class.
A more complex example follows.
using System;
public class Being
static int count = 0;
public Being()
Console.WriteLine("Being is created");
public void GetCount()
Console.WriteLine("There are {0} Beings", count);
public class Human : Being
public Human()
Console.WriteLine("Human is created");
public class Animal : Being
public Animal()
Console.WriteLine("Animal is created");
public class Dog : Animal
public Dog()
Console.WriteLine("Dog is created");
public class Inheritance2
static void Main()
new Human();
Dog dog = new Dog();
We have four classes. The inheritance hierarchy is more complicated. The Human
and the Animal
classes inherit from the Being
class. The Dog class inherits directly from the Animal
class and indirectly from the Being
class. We also introduce a concept of a static
static int count = 0;
We define a static
variable. Static members are members that are shared by all instances of a class.
public Being()
Console.WriteLine("Being is created");
Each time the Being
class is instantiated, we increase the count variable by one. This way we keep track of the number of instances created.
public class Animal : Being
public class Dog : Animal
The Animal
inherits from the Being
and the Dog
inherits from the Animal
. Indirectly, the Dog
inherits from the Being
as well.
new Human();
Dog dog = new Dog();
We create instances from the Human
and from the Dog
classes. We call the GetCount()
method of the Dog object.
$ ./inheritance2.exe
Being is created
Human is created
Being is created
Animal is created
Dog is created
There are 2 Beings
The Human
calls two constructors. The Dog
calls three constructors. There are two Beings instantiated.
We use the base
keyword to call the parent's constructor explicitly.
using System;
public class Shape
protected int x;
protected int y;
public Shape()
Console.WriteLine("Shape is created");
public Shape(int x, int y)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public class Circle : Shape
private int r;
public Circle(int r, int x, int y) : base(x, y)
this.r = r;
public override string ToString()
return String.Format("Circle, r:{0}, x:{1}, y:{2}", r, x, y);
public class Shapes
static void Main()
Circle c = new Circle(2, 5, 6);
We have two classes: the Shape
class and the Circle
class. The Shape
class is a base class for geometrical shapes. We can put into this class some commonalities of the common shapes, like the x, y coordinates.
public Shape()
Console.WriteLine("Shape is created");
public Shape(int x, int y)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
The Shape
class has two constructors. The first one is the default constructor. The second one takes two parameters: the x, y coordinates.
public Circle(int r, int x, int y) : base(x, y)
this.r = r;
This is the constructor for the Circle
class. This constructor initiates the r member and calls the parent's second constructor, to which it passes the x, y coordinates. Have we not called the constructor explicitly with the base
keyword, the default constructor of the Shape
class would be called.
$ ./shapes.exe
Circle, r:2, x:5, y:6
This is the output of the example.
Abstract classes and methods
Abstract classes cannot be instantiated. If a class contains at least one abstract method, it must be declared abstract too. Abstract methods cannot be implemented; they merely declare the methods' signatures. When we inherit from an abstract class, all abstract methods must be implemented by the derived class. Furthermore, these methods must be declared with the same of less restricted visibility.
Unlike Interfaces, abstract classes may have methods with full implementation and may also have defined member fields. So abstract classes may provide a partial implementation. Programmers often put some common functionality into abstract classes. And these abstract classes are later subclassed to provide more specific implementation. For example, the Qt graphics library has aQAbstractButton
, which is the abstract base class of button widgets, providing functionality common to buttons. Buttons Q3Button
, QCheckBox
, QPushButton
, QRadioButton
, and QToolButton
inherit from this base abstract class.
Formally put, abstract classes are used to enforce a protocol. A protocol is a set of operations which all implementing objects must support.
using System;
public abstract class Drawing
protected int x = 0;
protected int y = 0;
public abstract double Area();
public string GetCoordinates()
return string.Format("x: {0}, y: {1}", this.x, this.y);
public class Circle : Drawing
private int r;
public Circle(int x, int y, int r)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.r = r;
public override double Area()
return this.r * this.r * Math.PI;
public override string ToString()
return string.Format("Circle at x: {0}, y: {1}, radius: {2}",
this.x, this.y, this.r);
public class AbstractClass
static void Main()
Circle c = new Circle(12, 45, 22);
Console.WriteLine("Area of circle: {0}", c.Area());
We have an abstract base Drawing
class. The class defines two member fields, defines one method and declares one method. One of the methods is abstract, the other one is fully implemented. TheDrawing
class is abstract because we cannot draw it. We can draw a circle, a dot or a square. TheDrawing
class has some common functionality to the objects that we can draw.
public abstract class Drawing
We use the abstract
keyword to define an abstract class.
public abstract double Area();
An abstract method is also preceded with the abstract
public class Circle : Drawing
A Circle is a subclass of the Drawing
class. It must implement the abstract Area()
public override double Area()
return this.r * this.r * Math.PI;
When we implement the Area()
method, we must use the override
keyword. This way we inform the compiler that we override an existing (inherited) method.
$ ./abstractclass.exe
Circle at x: 12, y: 45, radius: 22
Area of circle: 1520.53084433746
x: 12, y: 45
We see the output of the abstractclass.exe